Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend in Gabs

This weekend in Gabs, Justin, David, Kerrye and I went to Matsieng to see the footprints. There are many myths about the footprints, but they are actually rock carvings and not actual footprints. I saw 3 new birds there(I wish I had brought the big lens), the blue waxbill, the violet-eared waxbill and the melba finch. I might go back before I leave to get a better picture of the birds.After the footprints we went to the country club and the wealthy area of town. There was a nice golf course and very large houses there. I saw 2 new birds there also, the brown-throated martin and the reed comorant. In the afternoon/evening we went to a braii put on by the local staff for Justin and David because they are leaving next week. I tried the box, shake shake kind of beer, it is about 4 pula which isn't even $1. It wasn't very good and it was chunky, not filtered sorgum beer. We had barbeque meat and was a lot of fun. On Sunday we went back to the museum and to the 3 dikgosi monument. These were the 3 chiefs that went to the UK to seek independence for Botswana. There I saw a few more birds. Have to wait for Aunt Susie for feedback on one of the birds. I dont' know if I have it right. The birds are just beautiful here and I have turned into a bird nerd as the book "Whatever you do don't run" calls it. I have seen over 60+ different birds so far in 2 1/2 weeks here. There are so many more to see! We went to a brazilian restaurant tonigh for dinner. David and I split a bottle of wine. It was a South African vinyard and it was quite good. It was a red blend of Cab, shiraz and merlot. It was called Tin Mine. I would have it again! My Dad and Cindy are coming in a few weeks so I am sure we will have more safari adventures then. It is back to work tomorrow.We have to take David to the airport at 5:45am, yuck. Thank god I bought a coffee makerand brought my own coffee! THey only have instant coffee here which is suprising.

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