Thursday, May 5, 2011

The lion brothers that wanted to eat us

On our last morning in the Kalahari we went out on a short early morning game drive. We were driving down the road and Dennis found male lion tracks. There were 2 sets on the road. I was hoping it was the beautiful male that went through camp the night before. We followed the tracks for about 20 minutes when we found the 2 boys on the road. The one jumped off the road and the other stayed there. We would follow them and then one would go off the road and wait behind a bush waiting for us to get closer. We did this for awhile. Dennis decided he wanted to get in front of them and decided to go off road which you aren't supposed to do in a national park. Once we did this the lions went into attack mode. They started to stalk us. I have seen lion so many times on safari and have never been nervous. These 2 were very aggressive. I was thinking about what I was going to do if they actual tried to get us. They split up and one was on either side of the truck. At one point the one was crouching down like they do before they spring into attack. I don't have any pictures of this because I was in shock and only thinking OMG, I am going to get eaten by a lion. Luckily, Dennis got us out of it and back onto the road. We stayed in from of them for awhile and for some reason we went off road again and the 2 of them decided we were prey again. After that we decided to leave these 2 alone and finish our drive. The lions of the Kalahari and not friendly lions that is for sure. They are skittish and don't like the vechiles where most of the other parks they just ignore you.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you didn't become a lion snack. Nice photos
