Friday, July 31, 2009

They made it!

After 37 hours of traveling Dad and Cindy finally made it here to Gabs. It wasn't easy getting here and they had a few stressful moments whether or not they would get on a couple planes. They went standby San Diego to Chicago, Chicago to London(they got to go 1st class on this leg), London to Jo'burg(this was the stressful one) and Jo'burg to Gabs. What a day. I went to work and left work to pick them up at the airport. Dad got in trouble for taking a picture of the plane. I didn't know if they were on the plane or not. I kept watching the people go by trying to see them but didn't. They finally came out from customs and I took them back to my apartment. I showed them around the apartment and gave them the keys and they were going to take a nap and shower and maybe go for a walk. They took a short nap because Dad got his watch alarm confused with local San Diego time. They woke thinking it was almost 5:00pm when actually is only 2:oopm. It was only after they took a very fast shower and dressed when they realized the correct time. Realizing they had more than three hours before I came home from work, they went for a walk. Not far from the apartment, they found a grocery and a liquor store. This made both Cindy and Dad happy. Dad bought Hansa, a local beer brewed in Gabarone. They came back and unpacked some more and I got home around 5:30pm. We looked at pictures I had taken from the Delta. After that we went to Squaremart so Dad could go to the ATM and we went into the grocery store. Dad was asking if everything was safe to eat. I got a better broom there too. After that we went to Bull and Bush for dinner. We ordered 3 different things and shared. I got the ribs, Dad the T-bone and Cindy the fillet. Dad and I had a beer and Cindy a Coke light. The fillet was the best it was so delicious! The bill was only 270 pula, we left a 30 pula tip for all of that was 300 pula which is $45 US. The one fillet would have been more than that in the US at a nice restaurant. We will probably go back again. They both really liked it. Cindy loves Botswana and can't wait to see more. It's not what Dad thought it was going to be like at all and he likes it here as well. I am glad they are here. It's nice to be with your family. We will be off on an adventure tomorrow and try to book their safari.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of you with your Dad and Cindy. You look really happy and well! Great photos of the lion and the birds - really beautiful.
