Sunday, August 2, 2009


Our Sunday outing was to Mokolodi, the local game reserve where you can pet tame cheetahs. We got a bit lost on the way there. I wasn't paying attention and none of us saw the sign. We kept driving and driving and we finally called and they told us we had past it and had to drive back about 15 minutes or so. We stopped and got more gas, luckily there was a station way out there, and finally arrived at Mokolodi. We looked on the way out and the signs were clearly visible. I don't know how I missed it!

We went on a 2 hour game drive with the cheetah pet. Our guide was alway a bit in a rush and it was annoying. We did see a lot while we were there though even though he wasn't happy when we kept asking him to stop. We saw elephants, kudu, impala's, warthogs, ostrich, a white headed vulture, long tailed shrike, red hornbill, yellow hornbill, grey lourie, crimson breasted boubou, african darter, crimson francolin, fork tailed drongo egyptian geese giraffe and more birds. At the end of the drive we went to the cheetah enlosure was. They are in a separate pen because they can't hunt on their own. They were orphaned at 3 weeks old and have been raised by the park. We all pet the cheetah and then it was back to the lodge. At the lodge we did a little shopping and then we inquired about driving around by ourselfs. YOu have to be a member to do it so I signed up for a 1 year membership and we just had to pay 55 pula each for Dad and Cindy to e my guests. We drove around for probably 5 hours. We almost went on every road there. Dad drove the truck for me because you had to use the 4x4 and I could just say stop and Dad would stop. We were on a quest to se the rhino's. We never found them. They were up by the lodge and we tried to get there but they had left by the time we got back. We did see a lot more giraffe, kudu, impalas, blue wildebeasts, zebras, ostriches and a brown hooded kingfisher. I added 6 new birds and 2 new animals to my list. We left when it was getting dark and went back to town. We ate Nando's for dinner so Cindy could try the Peri Peri chicken. They talk about Peri Peri chicken in the No. 1 Ladies Detective books. It is pretty good and spicy. Leaves fire in your mouth! Monday we find out about the safaris and what she found for us. Here is a link to the Mokolodi website:

1 comment:

  1. That's a really good picture of you with the Cheetah! Looks like you are having a great time. You're lucky you don't have to work on Saturdays.
